Just a little girl qwoping her way through life- in style c:

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Hello and Welcome!!

Hiya! My name is Tanzy~
I dress in lolita a lot, a fashion style from Japan. I adore everything cute. I love cute things. And cats.
Although I love cute things, my everyday fashion style dabbles in between "girly", "grunge/alt", "hipster", and even "lazy high school student" (Yes, I have my days.)
I'm working on getting my own style down- Tanzy style as I like to put it.
Lolita and Cosplay will be a large part of this blog- That's basically my "stuff"

Why tanzyXt?
Welp. My nickname is Tanzy/Tanzi, and the X part is meant to be read as "and". So essentially, my blog is "Tanzy and T" Whatever t is, is up to you! There are a few words I had in mind while making that up, but the nice thing is that it's simple, and creative (at least I'd like to think so)
T Adjectives~~
TBH Trend was the one that got me hooked on the name, even though it sounds pretty lame. I like it okay? :I

Stuff to expect from this blog:
~Outfit Snaps (In and out of Lolita)
~WIP's of Cosplays
~Shopping hauls (Online/In store)
~Opinions on upcoming trends/styles
And maybe even more I haven't thought of yet!
Ideally, I'd like to post at least once a week, maybe more.

Thanks for reading!

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