Just a little girl qwoping her way through life- in style c:

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Teen Vogue Trends

So when I was at the Atlanta airport, I picked up a Teen Vogue to flip through on the airplane because I get bored and I didn't want to do my required reading. I found it very interesting actually, because a few of my top trends (that I listed here) were actually on a list of their trends.
So I think for this post I'll actually do a mini-review on what I like about Teen Vogue Magazine, what I don't and various other things.
Alrighty so I picked up the newest edition, September 2012.
What I always don't really like about Teen Vogue is kinda a thing I like too. There's always so many high-end designer adds, and even what they use in their photo spreads and things like that are all designer items. Not that this is necessarily a bad thing, but for budget fashionistas like me. . .Its kinda sad when I fall in love with something, and in now way would I even consider shelling out the cash for it. On the other hand, it is nice to see what the designers are putting out, and even to try to predict future trends and DIY projects. To be honest it really depends on who you are and what you like. If you want to see more budget-friendly pieces, I'd definitely suggest Seventeen Magazine! They sometimes have coupons too c:

So back to Teen Vogue- A few things I really liked in particular was mixing prints. At first, I know it sounds really weird and that it wouldn't look to good, but just a few pictures got me hooked. Its got a very cool, retro vibe coming off and I'm definitely pumped to try this out.
Mui Mui Fall 2012 RTR, Pictures via Style.com

Prada Fall 2012 RTR, Pictures via Style.com

The second trend(s) that I really enjoyed was in the spread titled, "Great Expectations". Described as "All aboard. Fall's eclectic mix of chunky knits, rich brocades, and offbeat accessories is right on track." 
Take a look and see what you think!
All photos by Boo George, via teenvogue.com

Its just so quirky and fun! And for me, I've always loved sweaters of all kinda so I think sometime down the line, I'll try knitting my own of these! 

Thats it for now, guys! Hope you've enjoyed it c:

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Back from Hiatus and info on SCAD!

Hey guys, I'm back!
This is basically going to be a write up on my experience at SCAD's Summer Seminar program for high schoolers c:
For those who don't know, SCAD, the Savannah College of Art and Design is one of the top art schools in the county. Originally located in Savannah, GA they have now opened up campuses in Hong Kong, Lacoste,  and now in Atlanta, GA.
I went to a program called "SCAD Summer Seminars" which basically is a week-long camp for students in high school, who are interested in learning more about the arts and SCAD. You choose 2 different classes to take throughout the week in different art-subjects (i.e painting, illustration, photography etc.) I took 2 fashion classes, Fashion Illustration and Fashion:Textiles for Garments or something like that. LET ME TELL YOU. I learned sooooooooooo much. It was a great program and I'd definitely recommend it to ANYONE.
You can learn more about SCAD and the Summer Seminars here

Also, my room mate was the absolute best. She's so cute and adorable and so nice c:
She has a fashion blog too! She post a lot of cool stuff so check it out eh?
Fabric and Old Lace 

So I'm pretty tired and stuff so I think I'm going to go and pass out xD